Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Happy New Year!!!
Hard to believe 2013 has snuck up on me so quickly...I feel like it was only yesterday that Kanis and I were decorating our new house for our first New Years bash. Fast forward, and here we are, doing it a second time!
Well, at least I can say I'm starting off the new year on a good foot. I did a complete studio clean up, which was no small challenge, considering I did 6 shows this Fall/Winter (!!!). My room was past was to the point of having become a full on nightmare! And a frustrating one at that. I couldn't stand to be in my room for more than 5 minutes before that little wave of anger would start to creep in. Instead of cleaning, I'd leave and close the door (DO NOT DO THIS! I realize now it was a bad way to go about things....) So what was the first thing I did on my days off for Christmas vacation? I cleaned it all up. And there is still a little bit of work left to do. Kanis and I are planning on installing shelves in my closet, to give me more storage. Once that is done, it'll be putting up some art I've collected, and then VOILA!
I've decided to take January and make it an Isa art month. I know I know, I always make Isa art, but this time I mean to make art for me, and for my house. I've gathered all kinds of cool ideas for work to decorate these empty walls in our house, but have yet to have the time to make it all. But this month I am attacking these projects (and a few painting my kitchen!), and I am super pumped!
But first up, making a few art pieces for my favorite art show of the year......PRESHRUNK!
I will post some works in progess of my creations for this amazing show. As always, I am past excited to get these little gems made! I always have so much fun making tiny art, and the challenge of working tiny in collage is sometimes mind boggling, but always welcome. Keep your eyes peeled for lots of updates!
Well, back to the grind I guess!
Once again, happy 2013 to everyone! This year is going to be a doozy! Lots of art, fun, and challenges.
But it's always worth it right? :)