Wow. I'm sure most of you must think I've crawled under a rock and vanished from all of mankind. Rest assured, I am still kicking, although life has been a little bit hectic, to say the least.
First off, I bought a house.
Well, technically Kanis and I bought a house. Yeah!! We signed on the dotted line in November, and got the keys on December 14th.
Yup, right before Christmas. Actually, right smack dab between three craft shows....I wish I could say I handled it like a pro and managed everything perfectly and that the shows went on without a hitch and that the packing was a breeze and that the move went as smooth as silk.....
But come on. It wouldn't be an adventure if everything went as planned. Right?
Trying to make art for three shows, while organizing and packing up your studio is a complete nightmare. I would not recommend this to anyone. Actually, I wouldn't recommend moving 10 days before Christmas to anyone.
I survived, thanks to the help of my family (Mom and Michelle, thank you thank you thank you!!), some amazing friends (Alana and Nicole for helping with the kitchen, at both places, and to the boys who lifted all thousand boxes of my art supplies). I don't know how it happened, but the holidays came and went and there I was, standing in a house, looking at my empty studio.
It took a little while, and some clever solutions, but Kanis and I managed to put up all the shelves, and find room for everything. That on its own is a miracle!!
Since the move, I've managed to organize myself enough to book a few tables at some shows later this year. I did the Halifax Crafters Spring Sale in May, which went beautifully. Always a pleasure to sell my art amongst such amazing talent!
Next up?
Montreal Comic Con......!!!!!!
This is going to be amazing! I'm so excited! It's happening September 14th-16th. This is probably my biggest show to date. I've pretty much been tied down cutting ornaments since February. My goals are extreme (hand cut about 2100 ornaments by the time all the ornaments are designed, make 50 zombie egg cups, 25 zombie salt and pepper shakers, Mario themed earrings and brooches, magnets etc) The challenge has been huge (and a tad overwhelming at times I must admit..) but I'm getting there. I keep telling myself I've got til September to get everything complete, but the months just seem to whiz by so fast...I'm sure I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll be the end of August. Eek!
After Montreal? I'm doing Hal-Con again this year. Really looking forward to this. Had such a blast last year with my brother and sister.
After that it's the Halifax Crafters Winter Sale (fingers crossed!!!!!) and the Have Yourself A Gothic Little Christmas.This will be the third year for this show, and it is probably one of my favorites. It's such a fun and unique group of vendors. Definitely worth a stop over if you've never attended. (I will post more information as we get closer to the shows).
Well, that has pretty much been my life in a nutshell. I've been terrible with this blog thing, but I keep telling myself I need to get back into it.
I will post some pictures of my studio once I finish cleaning it ('s a mess again....I tell you! I seem to be haunted by this tiny follows me everything I go and just makes such a mess of things........)
Well, back to ornaments. I've got about 35 Ewoks calling out my name. Cheerio!